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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
P1 Applications Open on EA Connect, Friday 10th January at 12noon (closing on Friday 24th January, 12noon)
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Celebrating ‘The Daily Mile’ - Santa’s Run - 2024!

20th Dec 2024

Our Christmas spirit, festivities and fun in St Mary’s surely continued and spread to our walking track in recent days, with our whole-school participation in ‘The Daily Mile’ - Santa’s Run!

Linking in with ‘The Daily Mile’ Network across the north, it was just tremendous to witness our children and staff join together to walk and celebrate ‘The Daily Mile’ in a special way on Tuesday, last! Wearing a wonderful array of Christmas jumpers, hats and other festive regalia, a most enjoyable and memorable morning was held, all the while supporting and reinforcing the importance of physical activity and mental health well-being, in each of our daily lives.

A cup of hot chocolate was very much enjoyed by all, afterwards! A sincere word of thanks and appreciation to members of our school staff who most kindly organised and distributed same.

We thank our children and staff, too, for your continued support and enthusiasm for the important initiative which is ‘The Daily Mile’, and gratefully acknowledge and embrace its very positive impact on health and well-being for both children and adults.

Please enjoy sharing in our photographs and video of our wonderful morning! Thank you to our staff for sharing photographs and to our Primary Seven students in leading the collating and compilation of our video. We trust it will bring you a little smile…