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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
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‘Joy to All the World… Peace in Every Heart’ - Advent and Christmas 2024

19th Dec 2024

The children and staff of St Mary’s were delighted to extend a warm mid-December welcome to all in recent days to our Christmas gathering - ‘Joy to All the World… Peace in Every Heart’ - as we came together in St Mary’s Church.

A very special word of welcome and friendship was shared with our parents, grandparents and other special members of our families, members of our school’s Board of Governors, families, friends and members of our parish community, as you joined us directly in the Church or via the webcam.

A most sincere word of appreciation was also conveyed to Fr Alwill and to Paddy, for facilitating us in the Church and for all the help and support offered over a number of weeks, as preparations took place.

Our Christmas gathering comprised of two elements.

Firstly, our delightful younger children in Primaries One, Two, Three and Four were thrilled to present ‘Simply the Nativity’. We very much hope you found our sharing and performing to be wonderfully simple and simply wonderful! Because, at the centre of our preparations for Christmas, we wished to keep our focus on Jesus. He is the reason we celebrate Christmas. He is the light of the world.

Our wonderful older students in Primaries Five, Six and Seven continue to deepen our awareness and insight into the great challenges and difficulties facing our world, at this time. When we look at the world around us, it can sometimes seem that darkness has taken hold - war, hunger, famine, people being driven from their homelands, poverty and the catastrophic impact of climate change.

Representing the Children of the World, our students powerfully and symbolically joined together in our call for peace, harmony, safety, justice and equality for every girl and boy, in our great world. We travelled from the four corners of our globe, united in one voice, sharing our hopes and dreams, as we recall and celebrate Jesus’ birth.

We thank all of our school staff for the hard work, dedication and commitment to our students and school, as ever, and for sharing photographs and footage of our talented girls and boys on this most uplifting, meaningful and special day.

A further word of appreciation and admiration is imparted to our Primary Seven students for your tireless hard work and creativity in compiling our video presentations, below. We trust we bring you a smile of joy when you take the time to share in our song, music, dance, reading and prayer - ‘Joy to All the World… Peace in Every Heart’.


As Cillian so beautifully led us in Fr Liam Lawton’s ‘Prayer at Christmas’, perhaps we can pause and share and reflect on those words:


… ‘On that night

I doubt that anyone sang

’Silent Night, Holy Night’

Nor was there a little drummer boy

To play till early morn

No coloured lights shone

On an evergreen tree

No baubles hung

For the world to see

Just some poor shepherd men

Fell on bended knee

Recognising the child

Born a refugee…


… But that was then and we are now

Still on the path to peace

Still praying for a night to sleep

Without war

Without fear

Will You come again?…


… May we learn the angels’ song

May we climb the shepherds’ hill

May we visit with the Magi

And on this night so still

May we welcome You, Lord

So Your words can be fulfilled

’I will make my home in you’…’