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St Mary's Primary School, Teemore Road, Enniskillen
EA Connect Portal Closes on Thursday 20th February 2025 for Post-Primary Applications The EA Connect Portal opens on Tuesday 28th January, at 12noon, for Primary Seven parents to make your applications to Post-Primary school.  The portal will close on Thursday 20th February, 12 noon, 2025.   You can also follow the link below for further guidance:
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Trócaire Lenten/Easter Fundraising Draw 2024 - ‘Together for a Just World’...

28th Mar 2024

The children and staff of St Mary’s wish to convey a most sincere word of thanks to everyone who contributed so generously to our Lenten/Easter Fundraising Draw for Trócaire, through sale of lines/tickets and kind donation/sponsorship of Easter eggs and associated prizes.

We are proud to have raised a total sum of £1,120.10 and feel privileged to be able to contribute in our own small way to support some of the world’s most vulnerable children and families, including Malita, her 12-year-old twins Patricia and Patrick and four other children, in Malawi.

We thank Fr Alwill, too, for ensuring that our school’s fundraising proceeds are donated directly to the diocesan Trócaire representative, along with the wider parish collection.

We express our congratulations to our girls and boys in Primaries Seven and Four at this time, also, for your beautifully-designed and painted Easter Egg - now on display in the care and grounds of the National Trust at Florence Court! Along with other local primary schools, we were delighted to accept the Trust’s invitation to create an egg for the Easter trails, and very much trust that some of our children, families and the wider public will ‘spot’ and admire our egg, over the days of Easter...

We wish everybody the peace, hope and blessings of this Easter season, and hope that the chocolate Easter eggs will be enjoyed, in the days ahead!